Run for the Green 2024

Gates open 3/15/24 @ 2:30 PM

Run For The Green is our Annual Wellness Run and Fundraising Event. Every year our Birney Bees get excited to raise funds through pledges from friends, family and community members and pop-up lemonade stands around the neighborhood to support their IB and Specials program at their school. The event itself is quite a spectacle to see! The students run it out around the campus to see who can get in the most laps…and maybe an orange slice or 10! The event culminates in a celebration of the successes of each student at an assembly where medals, prizes and t-shirts (designed by the students themselves) are awarded with much anticipation. While this event is mostly fun and games, the core purpose of the Run is to raise money for Birney’s IB program and the Specials classes that hold the program together. The goal is to raise $65,000 from individual donations and community sponsors. Run for the Green really allows every student at Birney to ACTIVELY participate in the support of their school and the programs that they love!

Additional ways to sponsor
Pledgestar (Donation Site)
Volunteer Opportunities